Your car’s tires are one of the most exposed parts of your vehicle. It comes in contact with the road which could be filled with potholes, stones, rocks, and other sharp items. Tires are made to be durable and most of the time they could take you from one point to another without damage.
However, there are still some instances when your car tire just can’t take it anymore. You eventually get a flat. The dreaded flat tire can come at a very convenient time. Honestly, there isn’t a convenient time to have a flat tire. It’s great if you know how to fix a flat tire but what’s best would be to avoid it from happening so you won’t need to fix it all the time.
Possible Causes Of A Flat Tire
Wouldn’t it be nice to never have to worry about a flat tire? While there may be a day when manufacturers figure out how to make that happen, there are ways to reduce the likelihood that one will happen to you. And as with any prevention effort, it’s good to know the common causes first before trying to address them…
Road Conditions
When you drive on roads with the worst conditions, it is more likely for you to have a flat. Those roads that have potholes, uneven paving and debris could all cause you to have a flat. Sometimes, you could immediately have a flat tire and sometimes that bad road condition can cause a leak on your tire, which eventually leads to a flat.
The best way to avoid having a flat due to such road conditions is to avoid taking those kinds of roads. If there isn’t an alternative route, you should at least drive slowly. Also, try your best to avoid driving over the potholes or road debris that you see. Driving at a slower speed allows you to better notice them and avoid them.
Higher Temperature
You are more likely to get a flat during the summer. This is because the air in the tires expands with higher temperatures. This can increase the internal pressure in the tires and that also increases the risk of a tire leak or blowout.
Checking your tire pressure before you drive your car in the morning is a great way to prevent driving with an overinflated tire. Also, the morning is the best time to check the pressure because it is more accurate as the tire is rested. Correct the pressure to lessen your chance of having a flat tire.
Leaking Valve System
When we talk about flat tires, we often conclude that there is something wrong with the rubber part of the tire. However, a flat tire isn’t always caused by a hole on the rubber, it can also be due to a leak in the valve stem. The valve stem is what you unscrew to add pressure to the tires. A leak in this could be caused by damage to the stem itself or dirt that causes it to come loose.
Tire Wear And Tear
Tires are meant to be durable but they won’t last forever especially when you use them. Normal wear and tear of your tires can also be the reason why you have a flat. Tires that are worn out are more prone to being damaged easily as compared to newer tires.
Check to see how worn out your tires already are. If they need to be replaced, then do so before you experience a flat tire. Also, you can reduce the rate of wear and tear by minding how you drive your car, maintaining optimal tire pressure, rotating your tires as well as having a routine wheel alignment.
Overloading Your Car
Tires can also feel burdened if you overload your vehicle. It is already holding a lot of weight and the additional weight plus the added conditions on the road can increase the risk of a flat. It would be best to check the maximum weight that the vehicle can hold.
If you are carrying something heavy or nearing that maximum weight, it is best to boost your tire pressure.Just make sure you don’t overinflate them. Take note of the maximum pressure limit of your tires and follow accordingly.