While you hopefully don’t have to use them often, towing services are very useful for various scenarios. They come to mind when your car gets stalled on the road or after an accident but they can also be used to deliberately tow a vehicle. This may occur when a car owner wants to move or relocate to another state. Car towing services are also used by car enthusiasts to take their prized vehicles to the show.
For whatever purpose it may be, you might have heard that the best way to tow a vehicle is to use a flatbed tow truck. Many agree that it is the best type of tow truck but do you know why? Here we’ll tell you exactly why you should choose a flatbed tow truck in case you need your car towed.
Reasons To Choose A Flatbed Tow Truck
Lesser Risk Of Car Damage
One of the main reasons why many people suggest choosing a flatbed tow truck for your towing needs is because it offers a lesser risk of damage to the car while in transport. Flatbed tow trucks are designed to lift the vehicle off the ground. This means that the wheels of your car won’t be touching the ground and are less likely to get damaged or worn out.
Due to being farther from the ground, it is also less likely that objects or dirt from the ground reaches it. Although not impossible, the amount of dirt, sand, gravel or any item on the ground hitting the car is less likely as compared to having the wheels on the road. Also, since the car isn’t dragged, like it would have if a wheel lift tow truck is used, the rear bumper will be much safer when there are bumps on the road.
This is exactly why most of those who bring their car to the show would choose a flatbed tow truck rather than any other type of tow truck. Also, those that have stalled vehicles wouldn’t want their cars to get more damaged while bringing them to the shop so this is the type that they choose.
Can Carry All Sorts Of Vehicles
The great thing about flatbed tow trucks is that it doesn’t choose which vehicles it can. It can tow them all even when the car is totally wrecked. This comes in handy when the car to be towed has damaged axles or tires. Other types of tow trucks will usually attach to the axles and tires and when these are damaged, only the flatbed tow truck can do the job.
Flatbed tow trucks can also accommodate vehicles of different sizes as long as it fits the flatbed. The flatbeds are large so whether you have an SUV or a truck, the flatbed tow truck can tow it.
Faster And Safer
Most tow trucks will adjust depending on the car that it is towing. However, the flatbed tow trucks can drive at normal speeds because it doesn’t drag the car being towed, it carries it. A flatbed tow truck is also much safer for other drivers on the road as well. This is because the car being towed won’t swerve in and out of the lane as the tow truck tries to pass other slower vehicles. Although flatbed tow trucks are long, they are still easier to control and manipulate rather than tow trucks that are dragging a vehicle behind them.
In need of an experienced roadside service team in Dallas with plenty of service options including flatbed towing? Call Premio Towing Company today…